Book of The Week: Wolfie the Bunny

Monday, March 21, 2016

Wolfie the Bunny, written by Ame Dyckman and illustrated by Zachariah OHora is a great book to start off the week.  Our protagonist, Dot, is quick and outspoken.  She evolves from a skeptical roommate into a protective older sister.  And, no big deal, a hero to boot.  Dyckman's story is humorous, imaginative, and deceptively simple.

But it's really OHora's illustrations that added another dimension this book for me.  His pictures capture the feelings this story is conveying so well.  He shared that the inspiration for the setting was the "garden-level" apartment in Brooklyn he and his family lived in during the sweet time of becoming new parents.

My son was particularly enthralled by the book and, when I paused to think about it, I realized that it is probably because Dot is feeling some of the same feelings that an older sibling feels.  Irritated, fearful , maybe a little neglected.  But these feelings are part of an overall clever  and meaningful tale rather than being the focus of it.

If you enjoyed this title, here are a few others to consider.


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